800 Beacon St. Avalon, CA. Santa Catalina Island
800 Beacon St. Avalon, CA. Santa Catalina Island 

Administrative Staff










Fr. Dario Miranda



~ Position Available ~














Gabriel Saldaña

Music Director, Organist

Technical Advisor & Webmaster



When emailing the generic parish email, include "Attn:" in the subject line of your email so our secretary can forward or notify the desired staff member. This email is checked regularily during business hours, whereas specific staff emails may not be checked as regularily.



We also rely on the gracious pariticipation of many volunteers from the community, including our religious education instructors, lectors, ushers, eucharistic ministers, fellowship refreshment providers ("donut dollies"), Knights of Columbus, Hispanic ministry, and other various volunteers whose work behind-the-scenes helps tremendously to keep our parish running and looking nice.

Honorary Positions


Paul A. Siebenand (Ret.)

Pastor Emeritus (1993-2010)

MISSION STATEMENT: We, the people of St. Catherine Church located on Santa Catalina Island, California, are called to be members of the body of Christ. Gathering around the Table of Word, Eucharist, and Sacraments, we commit ourselves to love and support one another in faith, hope, and charity. We are sent forth as disciples, in the power of the Holy Spirit to make the Good News of Jesus Christ present and alive in our world through outreach and hospitality, healing and service, education and the establishment of justice on this beautiful island of Santa Catalina. 

WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE:              Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Friday: 8:00AM                            No Mass Wednesday, unless Holy day.  Saturday: 5:15 p.m.      Sunday: 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m., 6:30 p.m. (Spanish).                                                              CONFESSIONS: By Appointment.                                            BAPTISM: Contact Parish Office at least TWO months before the desired baptism date.                                                        MARRIAGES: Contact Parish Office at least SIX months before the desired wedding date. At least one person in the marriage must be Catholic.                                               ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Contact the Parish Office

P.O. Box 735

800 Beacon Street

Avalon CA. 90704

Tel: 310-510-0192          
