Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Friday: 8:00am
- No Mass on Wednesdays -
Saturday: 5:15PM
Sunday: 9:00AM* & 11:00AM (English)
6:30PM Español
*Following the 9am Sunday mass, our congregation is welcomed to the courtyard for coffee, juice, and assorted pastries provided by our "donut dolly" volunteers. (Thank you!) On the 2nd Sunday of the month, our Knights of Columbus group puts on a pancake breakfast after the 9am mass. Usual spread is pancakes, sausages, and fruit. Suggested donation at the door is $7. Best deal in town!
We are now in Liturgical Cycle "C" - 2025
Holidays/Feast Days/Solemnities
(Updated as-needed for holidays and solemnities)
For Holydays of Obligation throughout the year, we would like to start using a standard Mass schedule:
Day before:
Vigil Mass - 6:30pm, Bilingual
8:00am, 6:00pm - Bilingual
If a different schedule is used, we will post it and announce at Masses leading up to the holyday.
Masses will be bilingual, but more English/Spanish may be used depending on attendence.
Days such as Ash Wednesday will have more services to accommodate workers and visitors.