Welcome to Saint Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church on Santa Catalina Island.
Seating is available inside the main church or in the outer courtyard during Masses. The Mass can be heard in the courtyard through our outdoor speakers. We encourage you to join us inside in the main sanctuary if you are well and able.
Office hours: Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Friday, 11:00am-1:00pm and by appointment.
Annointing of the sick: contact Father Dario
Confession: contact Father Dario. Also available during Eucharistic Adoration on Thursdays.
Votive candles are available for purchase at the parish office and sacristy for $10 each.
You may purchase candles at the sacristy directly before or after any Mass. Place your donation in the money slot, then take a candle from the cupboard below. Please only take the amount you have donated for.
For safety reasons, please do not use votive candles from Vons or any other distributor inside our candle holders at the two indoor oratories. We have had problems with them shattering and creating a fire hazard. The plastic candles we use & provide have proved trustworthy over the years for use in our beloved oratories.
Gluten-free hosts are available during communion. We prefer that you let the priest or Eucharistic minister know before Mass so they can have it ready.
Thursday Eucharistic Adoration
Join us for Eucharistic Adoration every Thursday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm in the church. We hope you can attend and spend some time in prayer and adoration with our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Weekly Announcements:
Weekly Gospel Reflections: January 12th, 2024, from Fr. Dave Heney at St. Bruno's:
I heard a message from God!
I actually didn’t …but does it make you nervous whenever people say that? It should. Today’s
Gospel about the Baptism of Jesus offers wise advice, and affirms why He came to John to be
Who knows whether any message from God is real? Anyone could just make an outrageous claim and say it’s from God.
Catholics always check objective sources about any divine message to verify authenticity. We
know that God never contradicts Himself, so you can always ask if a new message from God
agrees with the scriptures and traditions God has already revealed. Does this new message help you better love God, your neighbor, or yourself? Does this message agree with centuries of
Church teaching? Finally, and most important, does it make simple common sense?
Every sacrament also has this same kind of public verification. You do not baptize, confirm, or
absolve yourself from your own sins! Your faith is not an entirely private event but must be
visible, recognizable, and affirmed by others as well.
Jesus affirms this when He humbly presents Himself to John at the Jordan River and requests
Our Lord affirms—even over John’s surprise—the goodness of this kind of objective review from
another person, and willingly submits with a beautiful spirit of honesty and humility. His Father in
heaven instantly votes His approval with a public message of acceptance and love.
All our Sacraments continue this kind of spiritual life review. Confirmation sponsors, wedding
witnesses, and priests in confession all assure that others see and affirm your faith, true
commitment, or sincere contrition. There is a profound wisdom and good old common sense
that Jesus had in setting up these sacraments in this public way. They help encourage the same
level of honesty and humility that He had at the Jordan River and ensure for you the same vote
of approval from Our Father in Heaven.
You might hear dramatic messages today about what to do from all kinds of sources. Ask the
same questions. Does this new message help you better love God, your neighbor or yourself?
Finally, and most important, does it make simple common sense?
Our Lord invites you to thoughtfully discern and recognize the authentic and reliable wisdom of
God for your life. That is the solid and authentic voice of God we all need today.
Fr. Dave Heney
We are looking for assistance in livestreaming the weekend Mass online. Please let Fr. Dario or tech advisor, Gabriel, know. We only need 1 Mass per weekend, and it can be any Mass you are available to attend. If you have your own laptop, great! If not, we can arrange to have one available so you can connect to our livestream camera inside.
Standing Announcements:
If you have any upcoming baptisms, funerals, or quinceñeras, please call or email the parish office to confirm that it is on our schedule. No one is allowed to use the church for special events without authorization from the pastor (Father Dario). This is to make sure two events do not conflict with each other, and so that the priest is not caught by surprise by an unscheduled event.
Checks: If you write a check to our church for any purpose, please do not make any corrections. Please start a new check. Our bank (U.S. Bank) has been declining checks written to us because of corrections.
If you have pledged to contribute to the "Called to Renew" campaign, please make sure that you are keeping-up with the frequency of contributions you selected during sign-up. We understand that things change in life, so if your contributions have changed, Fr. Dario or a member of our Finance Council may be contacting you to discuss what will work best with your individual situation going forward.
We have surpassed our goal for the "Called to Renew" Campaign!
If you have the financial means, and would like to make a pledge to this campaign to support the maintenance and upgrades to our parish, it's not too late! Every dollar we make past our "goal" from the Archdiocese goes directly to our parish's fund! You can find our campaign info on the official Called to Renew website here.
We are always open to having more Mass volunteers
As with many Catholic parishes, we always welcome our congregation to help fill the various roles within the Mass. Contact the parish office or the pastor if you would like to sign-up to help make sure our celebrations of Mass always have the full support the Lord deserves.
Available positions:
- Lectors (reading the liturgy of the word)
- Altar server (at any age)
- Sacristans (preparing the linens and Eucharistic items before Mass)
- Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion
- Music ministers (cantors/singers, organists, pianists, guitarists)
[Will need to confirm repertoire with church Music Director]
- Ushers
- Greeters
- Anyone good with I.T. and tech (employment can be discussed for this position).
If you would like to volunteer in any capacity, please contact the parish office or speak with Father Dario after Mass, or whenever you see him. Prospective musicians or cantors/choristers may contact the Music Director directly.
~~ Religious education classes ~~
Click here to see the "Religious Ed. updates" page
All communications to parents will happen through the parish Flocknote text messages and emails. Contact Father Dario if you are not yet signed up to receive these messages.
All communications to parents will happen through the parish Flocknote text messages and emails. Contact Father Dario if you are not yet signed up to receive these messages.
We celebrate the Roman Catholic Mass in alignment with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. All of our Masses are held in the "Ordinary Rite", which is most familiar to our community. We do not offer any Extraordinary Form/Latin Masses at this time.
> We encourage walking and car-pooling as much as possible due to limited parking at and around the church. Please be mindful of nearby residents and city regulations about vehicle parking.
> Parking is available on Beacon Street in front of the church, and in the back parking lot of the church. PLEASE do not block any exits, pathways, or driveways. The side parking lot next to the Parish Hall is not available.
> We request members of the congregation to turn their cell phones on silent mode or off while attending Mass. During visits outside of Mass, please maintain reverence and be mindful of other visitors using the peace and quiet for prayer and reflection.
> When available, feel free to pick up a copy of our Parish bulletin. During most weekend Masses, we have an usher who may offer you one. Some weekends, we do not prepare a bulletin if there are no pertinent announcements in order to save paper.
> During Mass, we make use of the OCP United in Christ/Unidos en Cristo hymnal and bilingual missalette for Liturgy of the Word. On occasion, our music department may have separate leaflets printed out for special events or holidays and have them available at the beginning of Mass.
> Lost and found items are usually turned in to the sacristy. Please contact the parish priest or a church volunteer to retrieve a lost item. If you return outside of Mass times, please call the church phone number or send us an email to get access to the lost & found.
> After the 9:00AM Sunday Mass, we welcome you to join us for coffee, juice, and light snacks in the courtyard provided by our volunteers. A donation jar is usually set up and all monies go directly to supporting parish operations. If it is raining after Mass, the get-together is usually moved inside the Parish Hall.
Last update: 13 Jan 2025